"How many people know you? I mean really know you. Beyond your favorite color, favorite book, or favorite song. Who knows what lurks in the depths of your mind, what captivates your soul, and why? Who knows your passions? Your fears? Your desires? Who knows all these things about you and accepts you anyway?"
When i get to know people deeper, get closer, get too attached to them. End up, at some point, I'm the one who is always get hurt. This is why when Mama asked me who is my best friend i went speechless. Clueless. None of them pop out in my mind. But, somehow best friend from opposite gender makes me more comfortable. Like they ... Like something .....
Thanks, Amri.
(The one who knows everything about me and my dark side)
(The one who knows everything about me and my dark side)
hi anis, aku rindu kau. sorry sebab pernah lupakan kau, just so you know, mana mana aku pergi, aku tak pernah tinggalkan our friendship bracelet, dah kotor sbb kena habuk and selalu sgt pakai, tapi aku akan terus pakai. wish you happy and healthy, always.