Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Song of the day

Lightning strikes
Inside my chest to keep me up at night
Dream of ways
To make you understand my pain

Clouds of sulfur in the air
Bombs are falling everywhere
It's heartbreak warfare
Once you want it to begin,
No one really ever wins
In heartbreak warfare

If you want more love why don't you say so?
If you want more love why don't you say so?

Drop his name
Push it in and twist the knife again
Watch my face
As I pretend to feel no pain, pain, pain..

Clouds of sulfur in the air
Bombs are falling everywhere
It's heartbreak warfare
Once you want it to begin,
No one really ever wins
In heartbreak warfare.

If you want more love why don't you say so?
If you want more love why don't you say so?

Just say so...

How come the only way to know how high you get me is to see how far I fall?
God only knows how much I'd love you if you let me but I can't break through it all.

It's a heart... heartbreak...

I don't care if we don't sleep at all tonight
Let's just fix this whole thing now
I swear to God we're gonna get it right
If you lay your weapon down
Red wine and ambient
You're talking shit again, it's heartbreak warfare
Good to know it's all a game
Disappointment has a name, it's heartbreak, heartbreak.

It's heartbreak warfare
It's heartbreak warfare
It's heartbreak warfare

Before we end our skype call, I asked Tom Cruise to sing me a song. He picked this song; "Heartbreak Warfare" by John Mayer. It was my first time listening to this song. Nice! After that, he added another song =.= Because that song sangat lawak okay. Lagu Adinda Kanda. See? So it was karaoke session with him. When my part as Adinda, I was silent hahah and he was like "Asal tak nyanyi? Nyanyi laaa!!!" But still I remained silent lolz

Oh kekanda jangan iri hati
Dinda naik pangkat lagi
Oh adinda kanda mana dengki
Malah kanda support bini

Jadi dinda mahu mengambil masa
Tapi kanda mahu segera
Dinda ingin berjaya dalam kerjaya
Tapi kanda mahu cahaya mata

Dinda belum bersedia
Kanda dah beria ria
Jadi yang mana satu
Tak perlu bertengkar
Tak perlu bermasam muka

Oh adinda tolong jangan lekas curiga
Lekas cemburu buta
Oh kekanda dinda perlu berhati-hati
Tak rela dikongsi

Kanda kerja overtime terlebih masa
Itu yang dinda harus berwaspada
Ini semua demi masa depan keluarga
Dengan dinda atau sebaliknya

Kanda kerja malam
Dinda kerja siang
Jadi bila nak bertemu
Tak perlu bertengkar
Tak perlu bermasam muka

Oh adiwira dewataku
Mari ikut cara Dinda
Oh Tun Teja intan permata
Mari ikut cara kanda
Bagaimana bagaimana kita nak selesaikannya
Apa keputusannya

Oh kekanda mari nyawa
Kita cuba komunikasi
Oh adinda mari sayang
Kita cuba toleransi

Walau kita janji sehidup semati
Kita berlainan
Kanda polar kutub utara
Dinda kutub selatan
Komunikasi sikap toleransi
Itu yang kita perlu
Tak perlu bertengkar
Tak perlu bermasam muka

Walau kita sering dengan cara masing-masing
Kanda yang perdana
Dinda yang utama
Kanda segalanya
Dindalah nyawa
Kita tetap bahagia bila bersama sama
Bahagia bersama
Bersama selamanya
Bahagia selama-lamanya

P/s; My favourite part of this song was the bold+italic one hikhik 

Monday, 19 November 2012

Korang rasa sakit hati tak bila orang dah janji, lepas tu tak tunaikan? Sakit kan? Sumpah sakit hati. Sekarang, baru aku paham perasaan Alia Natasha. Sebab dia ada merungut thru whatsapp betapa sakitnya hati bila dah plan nak keluar, tapi orang yang di tunggu tak muncul.

Harini aku cuti, tak kerja. So plan untuk harini nak keluar dengan A. A setuju. Malam semalam aku dah cakap dah, nak keluar kena pepagi. Sebab aku tahu, nanti mesti ada problem yang menyebabkan delay delay nanti lelama nak keluar drag sampai tengah hari. And yes, it happened foreal! Aku suggest keluar pukul 9, tp si A cakap awal sangat. Aku pun, hmm ikut jee la. A cakap keluar pukul 11, aku pun, haih lambat kott keluar pukul 11. Tapi nak buat macam mana, ikutkan jee la. Sebelum pukul 11, kiteorg ada Skype then after skype si A cakap nak tidur 30 minit. Aku pun marah la kan, sbb aku kenal perangai si A ni. Kalau bab tidur, masya-Allah! Tak boleh nak kata apa dah. Tepat pukul 10.30pg aku kejut si A, then dia cakap dia nak mandi and siap-siap. Nak dijadikan cerita, tepat pukul 11pg hujan tetiba lebat. Cuaca harini pun mendung. Aku call si A, nak cakap macam mana nak gerak kalau hujan? Sebab kiteorg kena gerak dengan bas which mean bus stop agak jauh dgn rumah and kena redah hujan. Mak aku pulak, dah batalkan insurans kereta, sbb nak beli kereta baru. Aku call la si A, BANYAK KALI. TAPI TAK ANGKAT LANGSUNG! Sampai pukul 11.30pg, aku terasa sangat hairan. Awat dia mandi lama sangat?! Sangat pelik. Aku terus call and call.....

Hampir pukul 12tengah hari masih lagi tak dpt dihubungi. Kan kiteorg Skype sebelum ni, so aku nampak Skype dia masih lagi ber-online. Aku call thru Skype, tak jugak berangkat. Aku dah start dah beremosi. Pipi mula terasa hangat. Air mata turun macam air terjun. Hampir 10 minit menangis, adik perempuan aku cakap, "Kau pergi la rumah dia". Aku pun macam... Macam mana nak pergi? Mak dia ada kat rumah. Nanti kang macam tak sopan pulak datang rumah semata-mata nak cari anak lelaki bongsu dia. Aku cari alternatif lain; aku text Sheyman. Abang kepada si A. Tak ber-reply. Aku call Arif Aiman, tak angkat. Aku call Adib Zaaba, not reachable. Aku call Nazrin, tak berangkat. Aku sangat sangat lost. After all, aku kumpulkan kekuatan pergi rumah si A. Ye, dalam hujan lebat apa semua terpaksa bawak kereta. Adik perempuan aku yang teman. 

Aku check kat 7E, si A tak da. Sebab kalau tak hujan, si A akan tunggu kat 7E. Sampai kat rumah si A. Adik aku yang bagi salam and ketuk pintu. Lebih kurang 5 minit, adik aku datang kat kereta cakap katrumah takda siapa jawab. Ya Allah, sedih gila. Aku pun duk dalam kereta, call and call si A. Dah mula terasa macam tak jadi nak keluar pun harini. Bila nak gerak, si A baru angkat handphone. Aku pun apa lagi, terus JERIT!!!!!! Si A pun kelam kabut terus siap-siap. (KAN AKU DAH CAKAP, SI A NI DIA TIDUR BALIK LEPAS AKU CALL KEJUTKAN DIA.) Aku kasi 5 minit. Si A datang kat kereta, terus tanya siapa yang datang kat depan pintu. Adik aku jawab la dia yang datang. Rupanya mak si A perasan pun adik aku ada kat depan pintu. Cuma tak bukak pintu. Tak apalah, tak kisah. Mungkin takut apa-apa terjadi ke kan bila ada strangers. 

Dalam kereta;

Aku: Missed call ada berapa banyak? 
(Aku guna Tone suara yang garang + serious + perli)
Si A: 60 missed call
Adik aku: *GELAK* 

Aku bawak kereta patah balik rumah. Which mean, aku and Si A gerak pergi Sunway Pyramid dari rumah aku. Call cab, turun kat KTM Padang Jawa, pergi Subang, naik bas pergi Sunway. Sampai kat Sunway, terus beli tiket wayang. Cerita apa? Baca ayat yang terakhir dalam entry post ni. Korang akan dapat hint. Si A suka seat wayang kat bahagian G. Entah kenapa. Dia cakap kat bahagian G, kawasan strategik. Hmm ikut jee lah. Time tu dah lapar sangat. Si A dah janji nak belanja Sushi. Lunch kat Sushi King. Lepas lunch, terus bloated. Sangat kenyang. Lepas tu tengok wayang. Lepas tu... hmm tak dapat nak buat benda lain. Sebab dah petang sangat. A cakap, mak dia dah mula concern pasal aku. Hiksss. (Atas sebab sebab tertentu. Malas nak cerita kat sini) Dah dapat dah green light ;p Mak aku dah la gemar sangat dengan si A ni. Masa dalam KTM, kiteorg berborak pasal Mak si A. Berborak pasal future (Pasal kahwin, rumah and stuff. Hahahahahaha!) Si A memang macam tu, tak habis habis dengan 'future plan' dia tu. Tak kisah la, yang penting, aku nak kahwin awal! ;>

Okay back to story, sebelum balik, si A belanja air Starbucks. Sejujurnya, last sekali aku minum Starbucks time aku form 1. Sumpah tak tipu. Tak tahu kenapa after that aku tak ada niat nak beli air Starbucks. Entah kenapa. Bila abang Starbucks nak tulis nama, dia tulis nama Ms Anis. AKu cakap kat A, asal tak romantic? Asal tak suruh tulis, TO MY LOVE? hahahahahahahaha Sengaja jee. Si A suruh simpan cawan Starbucks tu. Aku tanya la, nak buat apa? Dia cakap, why not buang tabung untuk 'us'? Aku tanya lagi, kenapa dgn tabung tu? Si A cakap so that tabung tu boleh digunakan untuk anything. It's like nak share duit something. Aku pun macam, hmm okay gak. Why not kan? 

Lately ni, lepas balik kerja terus jumpa Si A. Si A lepas ni nak masuk balik dah untuk Sem 2 :( Nak jumpa pun time Xmas nanti. Aku pulak hari-hari kerja, cuti seminggu sekali jee. Hari Jumaat, lepas balik kerja, pick up si A, minum-minum kat Khulafa. Time tu ada Haziq. Bff si A. Hari Sabtu, lepas kerja, pick up si A, borak-borak dalam kereta then hantar si A pergi AC. Semalam, sebelum gerak Shah Alam, beli Subway Cookies. Semalam month-versary kiteorg (sama date dgn wedding anniversary parents aku hehe). Aku celebrate, makan Subway Cookies together dgn Si A dalam kereta hahahahahahahahaha Saje je buat yang lopek punya. Nak cipta kenangan. LOL (Mak A puji aku sebab taking care anak lelaki bongsu dia. Sbb aku datang rumah si A kasi makanan kat A hehehe)

Okay guys, esok aku kerja. Nak cari duit punya pasal, kena korbankan masa dan tenaga dan of course kena korbankan masa tidur! 

First time naik bas Mini hehehehehe


Friday, 9 November 2012

First Time

My very first time accident. People said, once you got the license, you going to experience it at least once in your life. And yes, it hit me! Alhamdulillah, semua orang okay. Kereta aku yang Naza tu okay jee. No. plate je pecah. Kereta orang tu yg rosak teruk. After buat police report, everything settled. The person who drove  the Pesona, Jeff, sangat sangat baik. He didnt angry at all. He keep calm. Kawan-kawan aku yang lain selalu cerita pengalaman accident diaorg. Ada yang sampai menangis time langgar kereta orang. And since that, I keep in my mind just stay calm if u get an accident. Hoyeah, I handle everyhting in calm. Thanks to Afiqah & Zaki bcs accompanied me @ the police station.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

You (Part 6)

Me: I can't wait to spend my time in your arms
Him: I can't wait to have you with me by my side

P/s; “Love? It’s like a cigarette. You get addicted fast, but it slowly and painfully kills you from the inside out.” — Alli Ward

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Thank you, Amirah Zul

Mirazul: Haa Anis! Kita nak bagi awak satu benda
Me: Haa? Yeke? Yeay
Mirazul: Tapi kita tak tahu awak suka ke tak
Me: Alaaa tak kisah laaaaaaaaa
Mirazul: Tp benda ni lawak laaaaa 
Me: Lawak? Alaaa bagi jee laaaa
Mirazul: Awak tutup mata dulu
Mirazul: Tutup la mata
Me: Tak nak laaa!!!
Mirazul: Nah!
Me: *speechless*
Me: Omggggggggggggg. Awak cakap lawak?!?!? KITA SUKA GILA OKAY BENDA NIII!!!!!!!!
Me: *hugs*
Me: Awak beli guna duit awak ke?
Mirazul: Ha'ah
Me: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Thanks a lot Mira! I really appreciate it! Thank you cause you always made me laugh. You always being there when I need you. (Diyana selalu tak datang sekolah. So susah sikit nak cerita dgn dia muehehehe) One thing I love about her, SHE IS ALWAYS BEING SENGAL TANPA NIAT. I repeat, SENGAL. Only God knows. She is my Oh Ha Ni (If only you know what I mean). Day by day, there is something chemistry bond between us. Something that pull us to get closer. One day without her, I felt lost. Lonely. No one to talk to. Semoga persahabatan kita membawa kebaikan bersama serta diredhai oleh-Nya. Thanks again!

Monday, 29 October 2012

Thursday, 25 October 2012

kejap jee nii marah marah esok lusa okay dah ni
sabar anis sabar!

P/s: Bukan senang nak puas kan hati semua orang kan? Please. 

More drama more fun!


Thursday, 18 October 2012


At time like this, this kind of weather, I just want to be with you. It's has been a long time since I haven't  seen you. I am waiting for you ok. Oh btw somehow he get mad just because I refused to see his Mom. Hellooooo, I know lah your Mom is not a monster but then it just I had the 'cuak' feeling ok. 

I went mad like a King Kong just because he always with his games. Blergh But then just by one text, he totally made my day. "I can't wait to see your beautiful face"- Him

Conversation with him just now;
Him: Hello
Me: Sorry, tak kenal.
Him: Awak tak kenal husband awak?
Me: Tak. Mcm dalam cerita The Vow
Him: I husband you laa. U kena ingat jugak
Me: Sorry. Dah ada boyfriend
Him: Boyfriend? Eleh boyfriend je
Me: Eh sukahati laa
Him: Bla bla bla
Me: Bla bla bla

And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
'Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am


Surprise, Surprise, Surpriseeee

12 Oktober 2012, 12/10/12 hari jadi yang ke-18. Oh yes, rasa dah tua. Rasa dah boleh kahwin pun ada. 
Thanks for all the surpriseeeeeeeee!!!! Thanks a lot!!!  P/s: Lately ni malas nak menaip

Sunday, 14 October 2012

May Allah bless Anis Sharina

P/s: Going to post what happened thru out this week later! ;>

Survey (Part 3)

01. tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?
Because he's being gentleman expressing his feeling atm

02. what on your body is hurting or bothering you?
My left leg's ankle ;(

03. what was your last thought before going to bed last night?
Where are you? Wish me good night please ;(

04. what are you listening to?
All except annoying song.

05. what’s something you’re not looking forward to?
A new boyfriend?

06. where do you think your best friend is right now?
In their rooooooooooooom

07. have you kissed anybody in the last five days?

08. sex on the first date?

09. kiss on the first date?

10. is there one person you want to be with right now?

11. are you seriously happy with where you are in life?

12. is there something you would like to say to someone?
Please be a professional person when you're in business.

13. what are three things you did today?
Wtached Playful Kiss, Otp with him & had steak for dinner!

14. would you rather sleep at a friend’s or have them over?
At a friends it is!!!

15. what is your favorite kind of gum?

16. are you friends with any of your ex boyfriends/ girlfriends?

17. what is on your wrists right now?

18. ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with?

19. does anyone have strong feelings for you?

20. are you slowly drifting away from someone?

21. have you ever wasted your time on someone?

22. can you do the alphabet in sign language?
Ive forgotten

23. how have you felt today?
Half happy

24. you receive £60 without any reason, what do you spend it on?
A dress

25. what is wrong with you right now?

26. is there anyone you’re really disappointed in?

27. would you rather have starbucks or jamba juice right now?

28. why aren’t you in ‘love’ with your last ex anymore?
Oh. Exactly. I said, he was the reason. But then he said, I was the one actually. So yeah.

29. how late did you stay up last night and why?
11pm. Assignments?

30. when was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
Few sec ago.

31. what were you doing an hour ago?
Settle down for my dinner

32. what are you looking forward to in the next month?
Working againnnnnnnnnnnnn

33. are you wearing jeans right now?

34. are you a patient person?

35. do you think you can last in a relationship for three months?

36. favorite color?

37. did you have a dream last night?

38. are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?

39. if someone could be cuddling you right now, who would you want it to be?

40. do you love anyone who is not related to you?
Oh nope

41. if someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
Thank you.

42. do you like meeting new people?

43. are you afraid of falling in love?

44. ever self-harmed or starved yourself?

45. has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?

46. have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough?

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Survey (Part 2)

This is random. Maybe you guys could found out facts about me thru this survey? hihi

Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed?

Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?

Have you ever ‘done it’ in a hotel room?
Done what?

Where is your next vacation?
It would be Singapore / in Malaysia only.

Have you ever stolen a street sign before?

Who do you think reads these?
Haaaa, You!

Do you have a calendar in your room?

Where are you?
In a room

What’s your plan for the day?

Are you reading any books right now?

Do you ever count your steps when you walk?

Have you ever peed in the woods?

Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?

Do you chew your pens and pencils?

What is your “Song of the Week”?
Bob ft Taylor Swift- Both of us

Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Hey, that is QT okay!!!

Do you still watch cartoons?

Whats your favorite love movie?
Nicholas Sparks' movie & The Vow

What do you drink with dinner?
Plain water

What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in?
Chilli sauce!

What is your favorite food/cuisine?
Italian & Steaks & Sushi

What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
The Time Traveller's Wife

Last person you hugged/kissed?

Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
YES!!!!!!!!!!! PROUDLY!!!!!!

Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?

When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Early this year

Can you change the oil on a car?

Ever gotten a speeding ticket?

Run out of gas?

Favorite kind of sandwich?

Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Nasi Kerabuuuuu

What is your usual bedtime?
At 11pm

Are you lazy?
I am

When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?

Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Not yet

Which are better, legos or lincoln logs?

Are you stubborn?

Who is better…Leno or Letterman?

Ever watch soap operas?

Afraid of heights?

Sing in the car?
Ah yes

Dance in the shower?
Ah yes

Dance in the car?
Ah yes

Ever used a gun?
Ah no

Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Ah no

Is Christmas stressful?
Ah entah

Ever eat a pierogi?
Ah no

Major annoyance right now?
When somebody ignore me ;<

Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Doctor. Blergh

Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes & No

Ever have a deja-vu feeling?

Do you take a vitamin daily?
Ah no

Wear slippers?
Ah yes

Wear a bath robe?

What do you wear to bed?

Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart?

Nike or Adidas?

Cheetos Or Fritos?

Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?

Ever hear of, “gorp”?

Ever taken karate?

Ever kissed someone of the same sex?

Can you curl your tongue?

Ever won a spelling bee?

Ever cried because you were so happy?

Own any record albums?

Own a record player?

Regularly burn incense?

Ever been in love?

Hot tea or cold tea:
Hot tea

Tea or coffee?

Favorite kind of cookie?
Famos Amos

Can you swim well?
Not really

Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose?
Not really

Are you patient?

Ever won a contest?

Ever had plastic surgery?

Which are better black or green olives?

Can you knit or crochet?

Wash room or bathroom?

Do you want to get married?

Who was your High School crush?

Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?

Do you have kids?

Do you want kids?

What kind of mom are you?

Do you miss anyone right now?

Who do you want to see right now?

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Typical Anis Sharina

Entah kenapa tetiba nak update pasal wedding. Mungkin aku tgh stress. Stress disebabkan apa yang dirancang sama ada menjadi atau tidak. Tapi apa yang pasti, imaginasi aku selalu ke arah wedding ceremony. Entah bila tiba waktunya. Classmates aku sendiri dah lali dgn perangai aku. Perangai yang selalu berangan pasal perkahwinan. Aku suka berangan part majlis jee. Sbb, Raja Sehari kan. Mestila happy gila. Lagi lagi kalau bersuamikan dgn jejaka yang handsome ala ala jejaka yang lengkap pakejnya. Dalam kotak imaginasi aku, aku nak wedding yang nampak mcm chill. Sebenarnya aku tak suka wedding kat hotel / dewan. Sebab, hotel & dewan ni diaorg konkrit. Tak ada fresh air. Nampak rimas. Nampak mcm duduk bawah tempurung. Maksud aku, aku lagi suka wedding yang outdoor. Yg kebiasaannya, org buat depan rumah yang ada khemah. Tp zaman moden ni, zaman semua org 'mampu' ni diaorg buat Garden/ Beach wedding. Ok 2 kategori ni memang pilihan hati aku.

beach wedding reception pictures
See? Ini yang aku masksudkan. Kalau tema Beach, dapat lah tetamu merasa angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa. Angin bayu laut menampar pipiku yang gebu ni lol Kalau theme Garden, fresh flowers! Mata pun tengok benda yang ringan jee. Tak ada lah serabut fikiran. Yang paling penting, korang nampak tak kerusi dalam dua-dua gambar ni? Sama kan? Yes, aku memang nak kerusi tu nanti. Tak nak dah kerusi lain. Kerusi ni nampak kemas and simple. Plus, ada seni yang tersendiri. Aku ni jenis yang, benda kecik pun amik kisah. Kerusi pun does a matter for me. Mungkin, mak aku sendiri didik aku,'benda yang kecik laa, org lain nampak'. Kalau dari segi theme colour, aku lebih suka warna Turqoise. Selain tu warna soft/ pastel colour. Tp guess what, mak aku pernah cakap theme colour utk wedding aku, warna Pink-Brown. Mungkin bagi korang warna dia pelik, tp trust me, warna dia sgt cantik! Aku dah tgk dah. Next year, InsyaAllah pakcik aku kahwin. Disebabkan aku ni muda lagi, mak aku suruh pakcik aku buat theme colour tuu. Muahaha mangsa keadaan!

Conversation ni berlaku antara bibik and aku. Tercetusnya convo ni sebab time tu kiteorg tgh tgk rancangan perkhwinan apa benda semua tuu kat tv. Dah lama dah, cuma sampai sekarang fresh lagi dalam ingatan;
Aku: Bik, nanti orang nak kahwin dgn orang kaya. Boleh laa kahwin 7 hari 7 malam
Aku: Hari pertama, nak dekat dewan. 
Aku: Hari kedua, dekat pantai
Aku: Hari ketiga, dekat istana
Aku: Hari keempat, dekat hotel
Aku: Hari kelima, dekat oversea
Aku: Hari keenam, dekat taman
Aku: Hari ketujuh, nak dekat .....
Bibik: Hari ketujuh, kahwin dekat kubur!
Aku: Whaaaaaaaaaaat? Asal pulak?
Bibik: Yelaaa dia nak bayar kahwin kau semua tuuu
Aku: =______________=

Conversation ni berlaku antara aku, Ajim and Ayid iaitu adik-adik lelakiku. Time ni ada kat wedding saudara  aku;
Aku: Nantikan, bila aku kahwin. Aku nak buat kat stadium
Ayid: Stadium? Bapak besar
Aku: Yelaaa, kawan aku kan ramai. Plus aku kan nak jadi President & CEO
Ayid: Yelaaaaa
Aku: Nanti stadium tuu 3 tingkat. Ada red carpet kat tengah-tengah. Bila aku masuk, aku bawak Lamborghini. Stop kat tengah-tengah stadium. Hebat tak?
Ajim: Kau niiii
Aku: Lepas tu, nanti ada sports car banyak-banyak. Aku buat mcm ala ala motorshow. Baru gempak!
Ajim: Yelaaaaaa
Lepas tu, kurang asam budak 2 org ni. Pergi bagi tahu mak aku terus! Sengal. Habis mak aku cakap aku mengarut.

Conversation ni berlaku antara aku dan si dia. Baru jee sebentar tadi;
Aku: Nanti I nak buat wedding ceremony dekat pantai. Boleh kan?
Dia: Boleh. Dekat puncak gunung pun boleh
Aku: Perli ke apa ni
Dia: Apa perli pulak. I meant that I will make it a wonderful day for us
Aku: Anyonyonyonyo
Dia: Anyenyenyenye
*Sebenarnya dia pun dah bosan dgn aku kalau duk memanjang ckp pasal wedding. Muahahahaha*

P/s: Apa-apa pun jodoh ditangan tuhan. Hiks

Thursday, 27 September 2012

You (Part 4)

How I wish you could be here with me. Always by my side. It is weird when you was here, by my side, I'm speechless. Only God knows how many stories I wanted to tell you, but yet I am totally speechless when we were face to face. When we're having meal together, I just ate a little. You asked me why, I just don't know. When you're talking to me, I kept silent. I stare at your eyes. Your face. Many thoughts went thru my mind. Are we were fate for being together? Am I gonna be yours for forever? Do you love me like you did yesterday? 

P/s: Sorry stomach, for the butterflies. Sorry heart, for the damages. Sorry mind, for the unclear thoughts. 

Thanks for everything...

Monday, 24 September 2012

Conversation (Part 2)

Me: You mcm bosan jee dgn I
Him: Haih you ni. Always say something like that
Me: You always kena layan I la. Or else I akan asyik menangis jee
Him: Biarkan anak menangis... Jangan kita yang menangis.
Me: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? 

P/s: Cakap mcm org yang dah berkeluarga ãƒ½(ー_ー )ノ


MPPPU's Friends (Part 5)


Teman Farah pergi jalan-jalan sana sini. Farah pick up, then straight away pergi library hantar adik dia. Patah balik pergi seksyen 7, pick up D iaitu kalau korang nak tahu 'KEKASIH MUDA' farah. Mungkin ada jodoh sbb diaorg pakai baju warna sama lol Gerak 9, Plaza Masalam. Yang budak 2 org tu entah pergi mana naik turun naik turun dalam mall, aku and Fatin beli coolblog beli sushi kiteorg berborak. Macam-macam Fatin cerita. Now I know. Farah call, suruh pergi kat Domino's. Farah belanja Domino's, tapi at the same time beli Baskin Robbin. Gaya farah beli tu beli ni mcm orang tgh frust bercinta atau mungkin mcm ibu tgh mengandung. Gerak library balik, pick up adik farah then straight away pergi PAS sbb nak beli inai utk 'Majlis Perkahwinan' lol Anyway, nasib baik farah drive dari rumah aku sampai lib time hantar adik dia. After that, baru aku yg drive pergi sana sini. Farah bawak lajuuuuuuu gilaaaaaaa sambil BBM. Aku nak kahwin okay.

P/s: Dpt text from unknown 'Cantiknyaa awak bertudung kelabu' lol

 Hari ini....

Awal-awal pagi dah ada niat nak bawak Naza. At first, mama tak bagi bcs tak percaya sgt aku boleh bawak. After aku yakinkan dia, akhirnya dia bagi jugak. So yeah aku bawak. Keluar rumah pukul 6.55am sbb takut jam and tak dpt parking kat depan sekolah lol Kereta besar, takut nnt menyusahkan bila nak cari parking. So of course parking depan sekali! Siapa yang parking belakang and belakang and belakang sekali itu maknanya dia yang datang lambat hehe

 1) Mine one. See, depan sekali ;p 2) Kereta Rifdi. 3) Razny 4) Mora


Sorry, tersalah edit. no. 4 sepatutnya no. 5 dan seterusnya. Ikut dalam gambar;
4) Kereta Wan. 5) Kereta Elvi 6) Kereta Amirah Ibrahim


Sorry, tersalah edit. no. 7 sepatutnya no. 8 dan seterusnya. Ikut dalam gambar;
7) I think tu kereta Shazani 8) Syafiq 9) Zaza

Kalau korang nak tahu, kereta bebudak form 6 mmg sederet. Yang tak ada kat sini kereta Husna, Izzat and Azim Izzany.

P/s: The reason why I drives Naza Ria to school bcs tak nak tggu bas Rapid KL/ Seranas lama-lama and bcs Ayah tak guna kereta tu bcs he is away ;) #BatakKejapFirstTimeBawakKeretaPergiSekolah

Saturday, 22 September 2012


May Allah bless you, Amri!

Today, 22 September is his birthday! Had our lunch at Pizza Hut since he craves for it. Just so you know, it is because of him I drove my Dad's car- Naza Ria. Yes, my first attempt everrrrrrrr. Too much incident happened during my driving. Only Allah knows. Over all, as long as he happy, I am happy! I don't want typing too much. Let the memories always be with us.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Mon coeur

Ayah had been away to Iraq due to his project over there. Mama is already off to Malacca for her seminar. Ahhh my life would be dull on this weekend. I hate spending my weekends without my parents. Seriously. Mom warned us (My siblings & I) not to go out 'sesuka hati' even though with our friends bcs she is not at home. Btw, before Mama took off to Malacca, I said to her something.... Exactly when she was about to put her on shoes at the house door. Here it is;

Me: Ma, esok kan birthday Amri
*Mom stop doing -whatever-she's-doing-that-moment* *she stare at me*
Me: ..............
Mama: Oh yekeeee
*She started kneel down at the door, looking for something* *took out her purse*
Mama: Nah, amik ni
*She gave me $$$$$$$*
Me: Hah? Nak buat apa?
*Duh! Soalan bonus tanya apahal*
Mama: Belanja laa dia makan ke apa ke
Me: Okayyyyyy

I was like......WHUT? Absolutely this is so the green light for me to go out with him. He & I had been planned to go out somewhere else to celebrate his birthday. After Ive found out that Mama is not around and warned us so yeah I couldn't make it. BUT THE REAL PLAN IS, I want to celebrate his & mine birthday end of the year. Why? Because it is more easier for us. I want to work part-time again after finals then only I could celebrate just because I've earned extra $ later on.

Move on...
Remember in the previous entry that I posted saying his red shirt was bought by my Mom? He story me this; He told his Mom where the red shirt he got from. Yes, indeed. His Mom found out that my Mom bought for him. His mom said something like this, Y not my mom buy the shirt for the man in their house? For his Dad and his other two elder brothers? WHUT? LMAO hahahahaha Next, his mom was a bit curious why on earth my mom always buy something for her son? It was like, my mom have been 'cop' him for me. What is so great about his son? lol Whatever it is as long as he wanted to be with me, I am totally okay. I'm happy with him.

Sometimes, we have this kind of relationship; ass-off-relationship. Where we act so dumbly each other. Hurting each other feelings intentionally. We even 'sepak, pukul, tumbuk' like we're fighting but we're not. Sometimes when we went out, when somebody asked us if we're siblings or are we twins, we going to say YES. Sometimes when there is a girl asking him, 'Ni kakak ke girlfriend?' He going to say 'Kakak' just because he want to see me either I get mad or act cool and even just because he want to see that girl flirts him in front of my eyes. Sometimes, we fell sick on the same day and even we get the same illness. Last year, whatever we've done, we did it together. He or me would be followed each other wherever we went. Sometimes Mom asked him to come over to have dinner. I remember, there is one day where I've got class in the morning. So mom asked Amri to join our breakfast. We was having the meal at Sec. 8, after mom dropped Amri & I, mom said she have to pick grandma up too so she left. We've been waited for them and even we finished our breakfast they still weren't there. I called her, mom said, she had the breakfast with grandma somewhere else. What lahhhh =.= She said let us have our time together lol There is so much memories to remember. This year, I'm feeling alone. If all this time whatever I did, he must be there for me. This time? I had to do all by myself. When I watch Mora & Wan / Filzah & Syafiq, ahhhhhh I really want to fly away, take him to be with me.

P/s: Most probably I'm going to post on when what why how we've been met later on ;)

Monday, 17 September 2012

Saturday, 15 September 2012

You (Part 3)

Sometimes I wish when I'm having my dreams, You wasn't there. Whenever I get angry at you, I say how much I hate you, You going to disappear right away. I couldn't see you but I know you was there. Please, don't go away like others. Next time, when you are in my dreams, please stay. Or else, please wake me up from nightmares.

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

Mi Amor

Plan untuk harini sebenarnya nak berbuka dgn Amirah Ibrahim. Both us nak celebrate our Victory bcs berjaya jugak habiskan Puasa 6! Walaupun dah hujung bulan Syawal, kiteorg terpaksa sacrifice semata-mata nak habiskan puasa. Alhamdulillah~ Amirah yang bagi cadangan berbuka kat Mcd since both us craving for GCB. And yes, I can make it. Berbuka kat Mcd!

Keadaan jadi kelam kabut bila Amri call pukul 6.30ptg and tanya boleh tak amik dia kat KTM Padang Jawa. Amirah dah set time nak amik aku pukul 6.45ptg. So which mean Amirah kena gerak cepat sikit. All of  us like rushingggggg. Aku bawak kereta dah mcm org gila. Maklumlah kat traffic light kat Jakel time peak hour memang jam teruk. Next, kena redah jam lagi kat traffic light PUSPAKOM Padang Jawa. At that moment, aku yang drive. So mcm org gila drive sbb nak kejar azan Maghrib. Keadaan jadi lambat sbb ada seorang atuk ni bawak kereta mcm makan angin jew. Plus, time tu pulak lah ada Pasar Malam depan sekolah Padang Jawa. JAM KAT SITU MEMANG TERUK GILAAAAAA. Nasib baik, dgn driving skills yang ada, aku managed to get out form there. Bayangkanlah kat situ laa stop, kat situ laa reverse, kat situ laa pusing balik (AT THE SAME SPOT AREA OK) bcs bila dah jam kat lorong tu, jalan akan jadi 1 hala je. So just imagine.

Nak dijadikan cerita, kiteorg memang stuck kat dalam kereta. Azan pun dah berkumandang. Jap, yang ada kat dlm kereta sekarang ni (Aku, Amri, Mira & Atiqah Anura). Alang-alang tuu Amirah suruh singgah terus kat surau Pdg Jawa. Segan weh. Pakai jeans kott. So mcm tak proper way laa masuk surau haha After dah solat baru hati senang nak makan Mcd GCB muahahaha Biasalah kalau kat dalam kereta tak sah kalau tak gossip. Kesian Amri, dia terpaksa dgr. So all of us makan Cheese Cake yang Isam buat. Sedap! Makan time tgh tunggu traffic light LOL

Bila dah sampai kat  Mcd, thanks to Amri bcs he fulfilled my crave! Amirah and Anura jahat betul. Diaorg pergi makan kat meja lain. Dgn alasan tak nak kacau =_= Okay what happened on the table between Amri and I, Amri suka paksa aku bila makan burger kena ikut cara dia Which is aku tak gemar langsung. Dia pergi letak sos cili kat burger and sumbat banyak-banyak french fries. So bila makan, dapat rasa semua benda. Sebenarnya tak pelik pun. Tp tak proper bcs akan comot sana sini. Amri cakap try sekali tuu jee. And yes, I tried. Nak berborakpanjang sebenarnya tp malas nak bukak mulut ok hahahahah Entah kenapa.

Amri ada cerita, dkt Uni dia for his Account class, setiap kali ada kelas they all akan ada 'sharing moment'. Where the students sharing their life's story with other students and the lect. Amri bagi tahu, dia cerita 2 benda. First, pasal PLKN and second pasal LOVE LIFE. I was freaking out. Why? Bcs segan laa weh. He told them how we met and stuff. Haih Amri ni. The lect asked him what's his plan with me after this. So Amri told that he want to get married. Fyi, Amri told everyone specifically at what age he's going to married and when is the exactly time to married. OMG I just could not believe that... (But good to know that at least he plan what he's going to do for his marriage muahahaha) Dah berborak agak panjang, Amirah bagi signal 'Jom Balik'. Before Amri and I went down, I asked him...

Me: I nak Choco Top
Amri: Apa? You nak Botox?
Me: What............?
Amri: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh kkkk

Bila Q nak beli ais krim, ramai pulak orang. And suddenly terjumpa....... Almira Hazreen!!! Ahhh long time no see her. Rindu okay. Even though rumah kiteorg sebelah lorong pun, tapi jarang jumpa since lepas SPM. Aku excited gila jumpa dia. Tanya khabar dia apa semua mcm mana study and all that. Alhamdulillah she's doing okay. Aku sekali lagi drive untuk hantar Amri balik rumah. Makan ais krim time drive memang menyeksakan jiwa. Amri and I were shouting at each other bcs I scolded him sbb biarkan ais krim meleleh cair. Amri marah aku sbb aku mengada-ngada nak makan ais krim while driving. Habis my jeans, ais krim banyak tertitis. Amirah and Anura were laughing at us sbb bg dorg mcm lawak hahah Bila dah masuk kawasan perumahan rumah Amri, his mom called. Tanya Amri ada kat mana. Secara kebetulan, our car bertembung dengan kereta parents Amri. His mom asked what car hes in. Bila kereta bertembung, Aku ternampak Ayah dia like waving kat Amri excitedly okay hahahaha so cuteeee lah Baba! hahahahaha I couldn't see his Mom clearly bcs area kat situ gelap. Nervous oi kalau ternampak ke bertentang mata ke dgn parents Amri haha

That's all ;p Bak kata Mirah, 'harini banyak pengalaman' HAHAHAHA

Lupa nak bluetooth thru hp. PC Amri tak ada bluetooth (LOSER hahah) So screenshot jee haha The photo was taken by me at Mcd ;p Haih  Amri ni si Mi Amorrrrrr! ;)


Friday, 14 September 2012

Form 6's Friends (Part 3)

Lepas sekolah, aku & Diyana singgah kat kedai Master Art. I tell you lah kan, Diyana sangat cerewet. Nak beli pensil pun lama sangat lol Diyana nak beli drawing block and guess what aku spotted this one awesome journal okay. It's worth it for RM 14.50 Sangat berpuas hati! Bukunya agak tebal, cover yang agak menarik dan terdapat 2 jenis kertas. Tak sabar nak buat artwork kat dalam tu ;)

Diyana and I had a very awkwarddd momentttt everrrrrr. We just get so confused! We walked back and fourth to go back at the printing shop. We just confused where the hell is the shop that we went at first place.  At the end, we stop walking and burst into laughingggg HAHAHAHA I met Dhaniyah Sopian. Kiteorg tak rapat, tapi kenal!


Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Form 6's Friends (Part 2)

Alhamdulillah untuk harini. Syukran, syukran Ya Allah. Event utk harini, ada jamuan 'potluck' Aidilfitri utk Form 6. Alhamdulillah, makanan byk habis. Disebabkan aku in-charged utk organise jamuan ni, byk kali pesan kat semua org supaya jangan bawak makanan banyak sgt. Sbb bila dikumpul makanan masing-masing, makanan jadi banyak. Alhamdulillah dpt mengurangkan pembaziran. Terima kasih, Mama. Mama selalu pesan jangan membazir makanan. Kepantangan Mama kalau ada jee rezeki yg membazir. Sesungguhnya, membazir itu amalam syaitan.

Aku jemput bebudak lower 6 utk join makan-makan kat rumah aku harini. I repeat, MAKAN-MAKAN. Bukan OPEN HOUSE. Ada beza yee. Kebetulan, Mama buat makan-makan utk office mates dia sekali so alang-alang tuu aku pun menumpang laa. Alhamdulillah utk rezeki harini. Mama and Bibik masak; Soto ayam, Laksa Penang, Rendang Ayam, Nasi Lemak sambal sotong, Spaghetti Bolognese. Selain tu ada lemang and satay Ayam & Daging. Thanks Diyana for helping! ;)

Favourite photo everrrrr

Filzah! Member lamaaaaa

My pretty girls!

Perkara yang anda perlu tahu untuk harini;

1) Shazani: Aina, terima kasih banyak banyak utk jamuan nii
    Me: .......................

    Shazani: Aina, makanan semua sedap sedap
    Me: .........................
    (Few moment later)
    Shazani: Aina niii garang sangat laaa
    Me: Apa?!?! Aina?!?!
    Shazani: ..............
    Shazani: Eh? Ohhh sorry sorry!!!

2) Diyana non-stop makan kat rumah aku dari mula dia sampai rumah and dia stop sampai dia betul-betul kenyang. Semua lauk pauk yang ada dia makan!

3) Kana, Jamuna, Sana, Dinesha melalui pengalaman yang tak dapat dilupakan. Kana punca! 

4) Rhood, Denash, Ben, Isam & Loga- CRACKHEADS yang paling tak dapat dilupakan!

5) Isu pasal perut Rhood.

6) Rhood: Anissssssss! Ni satay apa?
    Me: Tinggal daging jeeee
    Rhood: *kunyah satay daging*
    Me: Eh? Kau makan daging?
    Rhood: Ni lagi sorang. Mcm tak pernah tgk org makan daging
    Me: Your mom tak marah ke?
    Rhood: Alaaaaa dia mana tahu
   (Few moment later)
    Me: Rhood! Habiskan satay daging ni
    Rhood: Betul ni? Okayyyy!
    P/s: And yes dia habiskan satay daging. Point aku kat sini, Rhood org beragama Hindu. Kan org Hindu tak makan daging. Tp Rhood jenis yang tak kisah.

7) Tak tahu pun orang India suka rendang. Loga and the gang habiskan rendang ayam! 

8) TRUTH OR DARE- Game yang kiteorg main harini. Everyone was so anxious nak tahu jawapan bila someone pilih truth. And it was fun actually bcs a little bit of some secret has been revealed. Anyway, what happened in that game, just stay there right? ;p