"Amri, I mimpi buruk malam tadi"
"What happened?"
"Well. Okay mcm ni cerita dia;
I attend a seminar. So ada our form 4 an 5 ex-schoolmates and also my form 6. I can't remember what seminar was all about. But after habis that seminar, I turun tangga. Nampak lagi satu hall. Hall ni ada ceramah for youth. So my friends ajak masuk dengar ceramah tu. But I refused to.
So I turned around. Nampak my primary ex-schoolmates, Nabihah Jasri. So I said Hai. And beside her was her Mom. I clearly can remember her mom's face and we had a conversation. Few minutes later,
You. And this girl- Smaller than me but same size with you. You were wearing white tshirt with jeans. She were wearing white tshirt, tudung hitam, skinny jeans in turquoise and sling bag in white for the skin and black lining.
You and that girl were walking in front of me. You were holding her hand ok. The worst part, you look at me. Like you wanted to tell me that you had a new girlfriend, you know. Something like that.
BAM! At that moment, I shed tears. I was like. Speechless. Froze"
"Laaaa asal you tak halang I?"
"I told you. I speechless. I couldn't do anything.
So you and that girl went out from that place. And then, Almira. Remember Almira Hazreen?"
"Oh yes"
"Yea. She asked me, Anis are you okay? I said, yes I'm okay. Never mind. So Almira went out from that place.
Btw that place we had to take off our shoes. So at the shoes rack, I was looking my shoes. At that moment my tears still running. I want Medina. But she wasn't there. Oh remember Medina? My form 6 ex-classmates?"
"Oh yes"
"Yea. Then she tap my shoulder. She looked at me. She asked, Why are you crying? Are you okay?
Straight away, I cried so hard. Like a baby. I told her, what was happened. Medina asked me to calm down and find you. But. The moment we stepped out from that place, I can't see anything but just a white bright lighting flash out.
And I terus bangun.
Damn. Sucks. I told you many times. Everytime I mimpi you, mesti mimpi buruk. Setiap kali u ada dlm mimpi i, makin i dekat dgn u, makin jauh. I couldn't reach you. Not even once"
"You la. Asyik imagine negative things about us. Memang la jadi mimpi buruk"
"Yes. I admit. I selalu imagine the worst thing ever about us. I dont know. Maybe in the future, if you tinggal kan i or whatever, maybe I'd be okay about that. Because I tak nak terlalu down and I akan cakap dkt diri I, Dah agak dah. Yea. Something like that"
"Haih. You ni. Nanti on our wedding, I akan nyanyi; I knew I loved you before I met you~
I think I dreamed you into life~ lagu ni kat you. So that u rasa convinced dkt i and trust i"
"Okay Amri. Do whatever you want"
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Saturday, 18 January 2014
I feel
"You promised me. To hold my hand so tight just like on our wedding day when we encounter problems. You'd stay by my side"

Saturday, 19 October 2013
imagine getting married
after many months of planning
you’re standing at the altar with your significant other
in a beautiful room filled with all of your friends and your family
and every single person in that room over age 10
knows you’re getting laid tonight
Sunday, 28 July 2013
“Tawakkul is having full faith that Allah will take care of you—even when things look impossible.”
-Yasmin Mogahed
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